
Psalm 145
Psalm 145

Fellowship Church is pleased to offer this live service at 10AM.  We hope you will participate, and pray you will be spiritually enriched as you do. To join us, simply click on the "Watch Now" button at the top of this page, anytime after 9:50AM.  To download the Order of Worship or the full liturgy, please see the "Sermon Notes" section, above.


Fellowship Church Order of Worship 

God Welcomes us

Welcome and Call to Worship  
Psalm 145:1-7
We Will Extol You, God and King

God Gives Us His Word

Psalm 145:8-13a
We Sing the Mighty Power of God
Psalm 145:13b-21
I Lift My Eyes Up
Prayer of Adoration and Confession 

Message: Psalm 145
Ten Thousand Reason

God Sends Us Out to Serve

Prayers of the People

Offering:  Canadian Food Grains Bank


Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God


After-service fellowship time is a great chance to meet and make friends.  Stay for refreshments and let the fellowship continue!