
Psalm 119
Psalm 119

Fellowship Church is pleased to offer this live service at 10AM.  We hope you will participate, and pray you will be spiritually enriched as you do.  To share in the Lord's Supper as part of the live stream, we encourage you to prepare your bread and juice at home. To download the Order of Worship or the full liturgy, please see the "Sermon Notes" section, above. To watch the recording, click on the red "Play" button (forward arrow) in the top-most image, above.  (The Lord's Supper will not be a part of the recorded worship.) For your convenience, recording times are provided for some items in the order of worship below, so you can fast forward to them.


Order of Worship

God Welcomes Us

Welcome and Call to Worship   

All People that on Earth Do Dwell 
It Is Good to Sing Your Praises

Children Grade 5 and under leave for their Faith Group   

God Gives Us His Word

Special Music:  Thy Word (9:49)
Message (12:42)
Lord We Hear Your Word with Gladness
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance
Passing the Peace
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

God Sends Us to Serve

Offering:  St. James Food Basket

Sent Forth by God’s Blessing