Photo courtesy Ben White on UnSplash
I am very much enjoying our church’s focus on worship this Epiphany season. I hope you are, too. After all, isn’t that what Epiphany is for? Throughout this time I have given myself the opportunity and the permission to participate in new expressions of worship via the Calvin Worship Symposium. (Yes, the recorded worship is still posted there.) Today I joined in with the Proskuneo multicultural worship community in Clarkston, Georgia. Their warm hospitality awaits you, too!
In the current lockdown, it is necessary to establish different rhythms. Do not miss this opportunity to make worship part of your regular rhythm.
One thing that always catches me up short when I engage sincerely in worship is how I am taken to the very place I most need, but not what I thought I desired. I might join in worship thinking I need to be cheered but I am taken to a place where I just need to express gratitude. I may think I just want to shout praise, but unexpectly am taken to a place of lament. God knows what we need, draws us in as we worship, and meets us there.
Worship is the vehicle for this. Worship contains so many emotions: joy, sorrow, confession, thanksgiving, and more. When we take the focused time to enter in to worship, God’s Spirit meets us, directs us, informs us, tranforms us.
Where do we go from here? There are so many possibilities. Keep building your worship muscles through regular, daily worship. Now that Symposium is over I plan to get to know some neighbouring churches, both in our denomination and in the Etobicoke ministerial. How about you? Do you want to join me there, or get to know that church in your own neighbourhood that you have never visited? Or is it that church around the world that you have only read about? It’s all available to us right now!