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Hey, I was in Buenos Aires the other day, and I think I saw you there … or was it in Ireland? Thursday I’m going to Cairo, and I was wondering if you’d like to come along?  The best part is, in each of the places we’re going, we have new opportunities to worship God with the local folks there.

I’m talking about the Worship Symposium, of course, which is now being broadcast from the Calvin Institute for Christian Worship in Grand Rapids – and points around the globe. What a fantastic opportunity to tune in to what is going on in Christ’s church worldwide! What a wonderful experience of hearing our God praised and proclaimed in various languages and styles. Allow me to let you in on a little secret: you don’t have to travel alone.  Know someone who might like to experience some fresh worship?  Then attend together, each from your own locked-down living rooms, then share your experience.  You will multiply the benefit for both of you.

I admit, I was dubious when I first saw the agenda for an online worship symposium.  But that ended once I started experiencing the worship.  God is doing something beautiful for his worldwide body in this pandemic, which is bigger than this symposium. Don’t miss out being a part of it!  See for details.  

Pastor Mark

PS – don’t forget, January is Fellowship Worship Focus Month; as the Spirit leads you to new creative worship ideas and ways you want to contribute, share them with me at I want to hear!

1 Comment

Joan koolr about 4 years ago

Hi Mark,
We must have missed each other in Cairo? With all the worshippers and mask easy to miss one and other.
We are enjoying traveling to various places to experience worship !
Been to California, Hong Kong , Cairo and Dublin!
We listened to some lectures as well, what an opportunity !
Looking forward to sharing our experiences with others

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