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Lk. 10:2, “Jesus said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’”

The instruction and the prayer are both quite straightforward, aren’t they? Jesus said workers are needed for the full harvest, so ask God to send them.  This we can easily do, and we have no excuse for not following Jesus’ instruction to pray this prayer.  

But when we look the context the plot thickens, as they say. The context was that of Jesus revealing the beginning of the answer to that prayer. Jesus instructed them to ask God to send workers, immediately after he did just that—he sent seventy workers. 

The implication of this is clear: this prayer is dangerous!  When I pray this prayer, I need to be prepared for the fact the God may send me!  Now, knowing that, will I follow Jesus’ instruction to pray this prayer?

So we pray,
Father God, Lord of the harvest, there is still so much work to be done in this age. Please do send out workers into the fields of this earth. And yes, Lord—if it be your will, please send me, trusting in your grace and Spirit to show me what to do. Amen.

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