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2 Ki. 19:14-21, “Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers and read it; then Hezekiah went up to the house of the Lord and spread it before the Lord.” 

I had a friend who worked in commissioned sales. For many years he worked in the tech sector for companies who expected a steep growth curve; for the sales team, that meant greatly increased year-over-year quotas and the threat of termination if the quotas were not achieved. When my friend would receive a seemingly impossible annual quota, he would go to his office and literally spread the papers out before God, and give it to God.  He was following Hezekiah’s example.

Hezekiah’s fear was real and, humanly speaking, warranted. He was king over a small, weak country with no significant military defenses. He was facing the greatest military might the world had ever experienced, and that country was bent on world domination. The ambassador from the attacking country had sent a letter to Hezekiah saying, “No other country has stood against us; do you think you will be delivered?”  It is this letter that Hezekiah spread out before God in prayer.

What desperate situation are you facing?  Spread it out before God. What seemingly impossible situation do you read about in the newspaper? Spread it out before the LORD. Show Him the problem. He alone is God, the LORD, over all the kingdoms of the earth.

So we pray,
LORD, great God over all the earth, the world is a scary place right now; its foundations are shaking. That is why we bring the news about it to you. You created the foundations of the earth and you are over all that goes on here. Incline your ear, O LORD, and hear; open your eyes, O LORD, and see.  Weak in faith that we are, help us to trust only in you. May all the earth know that you are God alone! Amen.

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