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2 Tim 1:3 – “I am grateful to God … when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.”

Is there someone in your life who is so dear to you that persisting in prayer for them comes as naturally as breathing?  You love them so much that, even when you are separated, you think of them and find yourself thanking God for them and praying for them?  That is how the Apostle Paul loved and prayed for Timothy. Paul had several ministry apprentices and partners whom he valued greatly. But Paul held a special affection for Timothy, whom he called “my dear son.”. Paul was confident that Timothy’s faith was firmly grounded; Paul fondly remembered, in these opening verses of the letter to his young apprentice, how Timothy had learned faith from his grandmother and mother. Paul remembered that, as with any close and honest relationship, his time with Timothy had included both joy and tears. 

So as he opened this letter, Paul could honestly say he missed Timothy and looked forward to seeing him again.  In the meantime, he never let Timothy out of his mind. And as he thought of Timothy, he regularly lifted him up to God in thankful prayer.

If there are people like this in your life, whom you so easily pray for, celebrate it!  It is a blessing to you and them. Allow that ease of prayer to build your prayer muscle so that you are able to persevere in prayer for other people and situations, too.

So we pray,
Our God and Father, thank you for the dear people that are never far from our minds. We lift them up before you now with thankful hearts. We pray that you will bless and help them today, and build them up in faith. We thank you that it is easy to remember to pray for them, and ask that you would help us to be persistent in prayer for more situations and people whom you ask us to pray for. Amen.

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