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Ps 90:13 – “Relent, Lord! How long will it be?  Have compassion on your servants!”        

This is the prayer of one who has persevered in prayer for a very long time.  It is a bold prayer, attributed in our Bibles to “Moses the man of God,” and indeed one must have that kind of boldness, confidence and assurance before God to pray it with integrity. It is given to us here in the 90th Psalm (and also the 6th Psalm) as a prayer for us to pray, too.

Moses persevered in prayer for the people every day he led them.  He prayed for a people he genuinely cared for, even though they wearied him so often. His prayers come to us more like conversations with a friend (Ex 33:11-23).  So, he could say to God, as to a friend, on behalf of these people who were going through hard times, “Relent! How long?”.

I am always greatly humbled when I meet people who have faithfully prayed for another person or people for years, even decades.  What suffering people does the Spirit of God bring to mind as you read Psalm 90? Are you willing to persevere in prayer for them, even for very long time, if necessary?

So we pray,
Father, your friend Moses taught us to be bold when we pray to you. We are not Moses; we are not faithful in prayer as he was. Yet we come boldly and confidently before you now, because of Jesus and in your Spirit, to pray for _______________who need your help and intervention. How long must they suffer, Lord? Bring your compassion to them, we prayer.  Help us to persevere in prayer for them, for you are the help they need. Amen.

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