This week’s special offering will support World Renew. In many parts of the world, people’s stories begin in a place of hardship. Illiteracy, inadequate health care, hunger, and poverty are a regular part of life. However, through God’s grace, people’s hard work, and support like yours, many of these men, women, and children are taking steps to improve their lives. Every day, World Renew serves people who are re-writing their stories; from poverty to plenty; from illiterate to educated; from victims of disaster to empowered survivors. This change is not just material. Jesus is the greatest story changer of all. He turned fishermen into disciples, fallen women into followers, and persecutors into missionaries. That’s why, as World Renew seeks to help people in need, we work through churches and Christian partners in communities around the world to tackle poverty, disaster, and injustice. Many men and women around the world have been shaped by stories about their poverty. They may believe that poverty is their destiny that human rights and social equity don’t apply to them or that their dreams and aspirations are not important. As people participate with World Renew’s development, disaster response, and justice programs in their community, they begin to accept their value as children of God, recognizing their God-given talents and abilities, tapping into their potential as God’s image bearers. For more information, please visit World Renew’s website.
Next week's special offering is for Faith Formation Ministries.