This week’s special offering will support Thrive: Safe Church. On July 1st, a new agency of the Christian Reformed Church in North America officially began. Thrive is a consolidation of nine former, small ministries of the Christian Reformed Church of North America, each of which had its own synodical mandate and budget: Chaplaincy and Care Ministry, Faith Formation Ministries, Disability concerns, Diversity, Safe Church Ministry, Pastor Church Resources, Race Relations, Social Justice and Worship Ministries. All of these ministries have reorganized into a single entity, which was endorsed by Synod in 2023 and given a new mandate focused on encouraging and equipping congregations.
Thrive: Safe Church ministry equips congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response. They help build communities where the value of each person is honoured; where people are free to worship and grow free from abuse. Where abuse has occurred, the response is compassion and justice that foster healing. Thrive: Safe Church pursues that vision by offering training and support to volunteer safe church team members so that they can be resources for their congregations and classes. Team members provide learning opportunities, support, and consultation in their own local contexts. For more information, please visit Safe Church’s website.
Next week's special offering will be for Resonate Global Mission: Karen Lubbers-Odel: Missionary Support.