Fellowship Church is pleased to offer this live service at 10AM. We hope you will participate, and pray you will be spiritually enriched as you do. To join us, simply click on the "Watch Now" button at the top of this page, anytime after 9:50AM. To download the Order of Worship or the full liturgy, please see the "Sermon Notes" section, above.
Order of Worship for Sunday, November 19, 2023
Welcome and Greeting
Call to Worship
One: Give thanks to the LORD!
All: Praise His name!
One: Tell the whole world what He has done—
All: His mighty acts on our behalf.
One: Raise your hearts and voices! shout and sing your praise! For great is the Holy One who lives among us!
All: Sing to the LORD, for He has done wonderful things for us!
It is Good to Sing Your Praises
For the Beauty of the Earth
Fill Thou My Life, O Lord, My God
Unison Prayer of Confession
Scripture: James 4:13-17, p. 985
Message: “A Sermon for Ordinary Time”
Across the Lands
Prayers of the People
Offering: St. James Food Basket
Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God
Please join us for Coffee Hour after the service