Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Matthew 12:30)
Jesus spoke these words were spoken to the Pharisees, and to us. As a religious sect, the Pharisees were now out to undermine Jesus and his mission. They had chosen to work against Jesus. Jesus here tells them that by not joining him in his Spirit-led mission of “bringing justice to victory” (12:19-20), they were actively working against him. The Pharisees’ agenda was not neutral; it was decidedly against Jesus. Jesus is here telling us that by working against Jesus, they would be scattering, harming, the people who needed God's love so desperately. How about us? Do we choose to work with Jesus in his mission of gathering the least and the lost to himself? Or will be found to be scattering the people for whom Jesus came to this earth?
Prayer – Jesus, thank you for your beautiful mission of grace for humankind. By your grace, I join with you now.