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Eph. 1:16-17, “I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him.”

We looked at vss. 18-19 of this passage back on January 17. (You are certainly excused if you did not remember that!)  Verses 15-21 are actually all part of one long sentence; read them all now and discover why Paul did not cease to give thanks for these Christians, and what he hoped for them. And what a prayer he prays for them here! He asked God to give them “a spirit of wisdom and revelation.”

Have you ever prayed this for someone else?  It is a prayer for God-given insight and clarity. We all need this, but who comes to mind who particularly needs this now? What would be the results if an entire church prayed this for one another regularly?  How well might we come to know God, if we did?

Paul wanted the Ephesians’ spiritual eyes to be open. He wanted them to clearly perceive the will of God as revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord, I want to see you,” we sing.  This is not something just promised to the mystics and prophets; it is available to each and every one of us, more and more over the course of our lifetimes. As we pray for it, for one another.

So join me as we pray:            
Open the eyes of our hearts, Lord. We pray now for our brothers and sisters in Christ, whom we give thanks for regularly. We ask you now to give them, by your Spirit, all insight and clarity so that they may pray, work and live in faith and love. We want them to see you, so that they will know you more and more each day. Amen.

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