James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.
Which one of us does not lack wisdom sufficient for the days we live in? Which one of us does not need to pray this prayer? So let me ask you: when was the last time you asked God for it? God will not fault you for asking!
The advice of James was not without context. He was writing to people facing trials of various kinds, in deed of perseverance. James was trying to give his readers the long view on their troubles, reminding them that this would all be for their good (see verses 2-4). In that context he tells them to ask for wisdom, to ask in faith and not doubt the answer. God will give us wisdom sufficient to the struggle we are in.
James has more to say about wisdom, in James 3:13-18. There he contrasts so-called “wisdom” which feeds only envy and selfish ambition with “wisdom from above” which produces a truckload of good fruits such as are characteristic of the peacemakers that Christians are called to be.
This is the kind of wisdom that we need to be desiring and asking for, for times such as we live in!
So we pray,
Father God, giver of all good gifts, we have many struggles that we must face. Give us, we pray, wise and understanding minds to discern between good and evil. Use it for your good purposes, which include our maturing as we persevere, and live as peacemakers in a violent world. Amen.