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Thank you for joining in these Fifty Days of Prayer for Fellowship CRC, a time I lovingly refer to as “Fellowship50”.

In Matthew 6:9, Jesus tells us, “Pray, then, in this way: Our Father in heaven, may your name be revered as holy.”

This is how Jesus taught us to commence what we typically call "The Lord's Prayer".  It is surely a good way to commence all of our prayers.  By this we take it Jesus to mean not just that we begin our prayers, “may your name be revered as holy” or “Hallowed be your name,” but that we take whatever time necessary in prayer to express God’s holiness and place our prayers in proper position under His holiness.  This is the opposite of beginning our prayers with “I”, but no doubt we have all expressed many prayers of need that begin with “I”.

So we begin our this Fellowship50 with this prayer:

Our Father in heaven, may your name be always be revered as holy here at Fellowship Christian Reformed Church. May our words, our actions, our reactions, and our silence all respect your holiness.  We ask holy God that you would do great things as we focus our prayers for these 50 days. We want to see lives changed, barriers broken, darkness illuminated, and in souls saved!  But may we desire and pray for these things for your glory and honour, not for our own. In the powerful name of Jesus we pray, Amen.

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