Welcome to Fellowship!

We are a church rooted in Biblical faith with a Reformed accent.  We are a community of faith that holds the Bible to be God's faithful word to humanity. It teaches us that all people are created in the image of God and that God has sent Jesus Christ into the world to redeem everyone and lead us to a restored creation.  His unconditional love to all is our strong motivation to embrace all people of all ages, races, genders, ethnic origins and economic circumstances. Our desire is to build loving community that truly includes all the diversity of our city as a reflection of the love God has for us in Christ Jesus. 


Due to an abundance of caution given the weather forecast, the
Feb. 16 worship service (both in-person and online) is cancelled.

February is Black History Month in Etobicoke

February is Black History Month. How will you observe it, through conversation, reading, listening? Fellowship is pleased each year to be a part of the M.A.C.E. cultural event at the Etobicoke Civic Centre.  If you have not seen it, we strongly encourage you to check out the displays in the ECC foyer; there is a wealth of information there, and you will benefit from reading it.

Our special offering this weekend will be for our Race Relations Committee, which works across the GTA to foster right, diverse relationships—a key part of becoming a church which reflects the diversity of our city. Click on the graphic, below, for more details.